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No Wharton interview invite yet :(

Been off internet, apping and blogging since I turned in the Ross app. Well mostly. Been socializing big time - met up with all my friends @ home. Came back to this dirty city only a few days ago and generally been chilling, reading, and meeting with my friends here.

But today, I am feeling very restless! There's been no forward movement on my apps since the Columbia interview. I had promised myself that I wont freak out about it this yr, was even able to hold myself together for this long, but now I am getter all jittery :((

Feeling the most scared about W - only 8 more days to go and I am yet to hear from them. :(

Even Darden has been sitting neat and pretty in Pending status since 21-Oct!

Ross - there's still time.

Duke - Got a mail asking me for my preferred location for the alum interview, but they interview everyone, so that doesnt count.

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Hi, thanks for comments on my application. I have applied Wharton, Kellog, MIT, cornel, Tepper, and Harvard..But I think I have low possibility to get in the top 5..just want to try one more time as I am old. I didn't get invitation from Wharton also. So i decide to apply its EMBA. good luck on all of us.

I thought Duke only interviewed people who visit their campus?

Hopefully we all will hear from them soon..

hobbes - it's totally normal to be nervous, even if you are a reapplicant! i bet this is just the calm before the storm (aka - when all of your interviews happen at once!)

also, keep your hopes up on w - you are more than qualified and it seems like people are still getting interviews daily. Good luck!!

Stay busy :)

8 days is still a long time. Best of luck! =)

8 days is big time. and then you know how random it all is. I know I know all this gyan doesnt help all that but believe me , I did this. totally forgot about Chi and when the intrview invite must have come in, i was busy dining with frinends- never bothered to check emails for 2 days and then all of sudden,on a boring crisis line checl the chicago admissions site to see the status changed to invite to interview.

So in all.. Chill.. its all going to be good.

Hobbes, we will get W interview invitations before November 16, I FEEL it! :)

Thanks guys, I am really trying hard to stay calm... :)

@inblue - ya prolly even I shud do that, not chk my email at all for a couple days. Or maybe I can go away for a weekend - that sounds more doable :)

@Nat - :D. Good luck to all of us! :)

@Anon - No, if you are an intl applicant, you can request for an interview in the application. They will arrange for an alum interview. But that ofcourse depends upon their availability, in which case the interview is waived.

as per people on S2S the bunch of W invites comes at the end of the interview invite period, so there is plenty of time. good luck with it!

Hey! 8 days is a lot of time hobbes...let's hope for the best :)

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