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My name is Hobbes and I obsess over my apps

A scene from a room full of people undergoing pschyotherapy for OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Asif - My name is Asif, when entering a room, I switch the light on and off 5 times, otherwise aliens will abduct me
Bhaskar - My name is Bhaskar, if I dont take a leak 20 times a day, I will not go to heaven.
Christina - My name is Christina, I have to enter the office only from the back entrance.
Hobbes - My name is Hobbes, I keep thinking and thinking and thinking about my apps.

HEEEEEEELPPPP!!!!!! I am obsessing over my apps!!!

I know we all eat, drink, sleep and live apps, but for me its going beyond that - beyond the point where it would be productive. I keep thinking about it so much that even during breaks I cannot stop my thought process - as a result there are no breaks and its hurting my essay writing process now :(


buddy, you have already done well submitting to all those schools. If you have some days before your next school's deadline, take a break. Didnt you for to home for diwali?

And howz interview prep is going?

God! Am I just less serious than other people? I don't worry about them at all!


i think u have an interview to prepare for. go do that...

your post made me feel a little better about my own mania...no, you are not alone...!!

@sphinxess - Good! Plz pray that I can come to your state. Its not definitely no fun being where I am

@JW - haan papaji, @ saddi dilli. And yet this happens... Now u understand! :(

@Iday - Yessah! :salutes: Havnt started the preps yet, need to do that soon. In fact havnt been able to schedule an interview yet because the alum seem busy and havnt responded yet.

@Anon - Good to know I am not alone! Plz do share your blog/mailid. :)

i would try and jump off a 20 storey building and see if the ride down helps clear off my mind ;)

Dear Hobbes,

I don't know if it's of any help, but when I was applying to schools, I was so busy at work, that practically didn't have time to rethink my applications. And I'm an MBA student now - so I think with all you efforts, your chances are pretty high.

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