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Ross: How did you develop professionally and personally

Haah! I spent most of last week breaking my head over this essay. Havnt been able to touch anything else:(

When I posted last abt this essay, I underestimated the amt of work that would go into it. I wrote a draft, and couldnt move beyond 300-350 words, and all of them trash! Junked it. Thought, thought and thought some more. Got maha frustrated just thinking abt it, so took a break of 2 days and got back to it. Finally figured out what to write and now am ok, just ok, abt it. And strangely, for someone like me, who always exceeds the word limit by 50% :-D in the first draft, I could manage only 450+ words!!! And you know what, I can't think of a damn thing to add, so I am nt fretting over it.

But still am not too happy abt it, needs a lot of work to be done on it. Most importantly the example I took is neither from my professional or personal life, but is relevant to my goals. Since the question specifically asks for professional or personal development, should I rewrite with an example from those areas? Or can I read between the lines and be happy since its relevant (very much so) to my goals?



cant you give it a spin to sound more professional or personal. i wont advice changing the example in hand if you feel so strongly about it.

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