Ding from Columbia
Really dont know where I went wrong. My interview went well, my Columbia app was good...
In a state of shock to think analyze anything right now...
In a state of shock to think analyze anything right now...
Labels: Columbia
Don't forget you have Darden, Ross, and Wharton interviews also. Cry, smack a pillow, eat some ice cream, basically vent. Then re-focus on the three remaining schools.
Posted by -tvu | 1:33 AM
Cheer up and focus on the rest. All the best!
Posted by StressTensor | 1:50 AM
Sorry to hear that. :( Well, at least you got some good news to temper the bad.
Posted by rungee582 | 2:57 AM
No worries. There's a better place for you...I'm sure you'll nail your upcoming interviews!
Posted by Unknown | 6:08 AM
Oh no, so sorry.
Crack Wharton to make up for it
Posted by Juggler | 7:41 AM
Hey...cheer up - with Darden, Ross and Wharton knocking at your door, you cannot afford to lie low :)
Posted by MBAstarter | 7:58 AM
sorry to hear that :(
but there must be something u can take away from the columbia interview, coz they give u an interview meaning ur apps is good enough. Learn from the experience and crack wharton later!!
Posted by Katrina | 8:09 AM
oh no ! Now before you party for W R And D, go vent it out, blast or better still go to the lake and throw stones. :)
Posted by Inblue | 9:45 AM
Oh no! i'm so sorry to hear :(
Honestly - you are such a great candidate getting interviews everywhere you apply!! I have no doubt that you'll end up at the school that's the best fit for you :)
Posted by MBA babe | 9:54 AM
hey you lose some, you win some. i'm sure you'll get there and love it when you do. life teaches us thru some hard knocks...so no worrys ok?
Posted by Dee | 1:16 PM
hey, I am really sorry to hear that..you do sound like a great candidate.. so I am sure W or any other school will be happy to have you, so dont get you spirits down.
Posted by Alex | 11:11 PM
You have so many more opportunities coming your way don't let this one ding get you down! Congrats on all the interview invites!
Posted by Rico's Mom | 11:20 PM
Thanks to you all for your kind words. Slowly, I am coming out of the shock. Need to due proper due diligence on what went wrong with it. I thought I had a good app and a good interview, but obv something went wrong somewhere...
Need to start prepping for the interviews soon.
Posted by Hobbes | 1:44 PM
I got a reject from columbia too...
lets form a club!
Posted by the being | 4:15 PM
@Sudha: he he he, it will be a HUGE club- selectivity wise, Columbia ranks no 3 after Stanford and Harvard!
Posted by Anonymous | 2:13 PM
Forget about CBS. But I thought Haas had a lesser aceeptance rate than Columbia? Haas has a fixed incoming class size at 240, while CBS accepts more than twice that, I think. Anyway, the rececption ought to be interesting. Any one else attending?
Posted by Johnny Bravo | 9:48 PM
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